
ndmapper.lib.gmos.spec.ifu.mosaic(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Resample and co-add IFU data cubes onto a single, mosaicked output cube (with registration determined by their WCS zero-point differences).

This function depends on the pyfu PyRAF/Python package, which must be installed separately.


inputs : DataFileList or DataFile

Reduced data cubes (normally from resample_to_cube or Gemini IRAF’s gfcube) whose WCS zero points have been adjusted onto a common system (normally by align_wcs, PyFU’s “pyfalign” or manual determination).

out_name : str-like or list of str-like, optional

Names of output file, containing the datacube mosaic. If None (default), the name of the DataFile instance returned will be constructed from that of the first input file, with ‘_add’ appended.

separate : bool

Write one output cube per input to separate NDData arrays in the output (separate FITS extensions), instead of co-adding the cubes onto a single array (default False)? This option is used for inspecting the registration of the resampled component cubes (or to allow co-addition with another program).

Processing is currently performed using the PyFU function “pyfmosaic”.



The output datacube mosaic.