Source code for ndmapper.lib.gmos.spec.ifu

# Copyright(c) 2015-2016 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
# by James E.H. Turner.

import os
from pyraf import iraf

from ndmapper import config, ndprocess_defaults
from import FileName, DataFile, DataFileList
from ndmapper.iraf_task import run_task, get_extname_labels
from ndmapper.libutils import new_filename
from ndmapper.utils import to_datafilelist

from ...gemini import gemini_iraf_helper
from .spec import *
from .spec import __all__

__all__ = __all__ + ['prepare', 'subtract_bias', 'extract_spectra',
                     'calibrate_wavelength', 'rectify_wavelength', 'make_flat',
                     'subtract_sky', 'resample_to_cube', 'sum_spectra',
                     'background_regions', 'subtract_bg', 'align_wcs',
                     'mosaic', 'log_rebin']

[docs]def prepare(inputs, out_names=None, mdf=None, reprocess=None): """ Update the meta-data from raw GMOS images in preparation for subsequent processing. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images to be "prepared" by attaching a "mask definition file" (MDF) extension, describing the slit mapping to sky, and performing meta-data updates. out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of the output "prepared" files. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the input files, prefixed with 'g' as in the Gemini IRAF package. mdf : str, optional Name of a FITS mask definition file (in the current working directory) to be attached as a FITS extension of each output file. If None and all the inputs have mdf associations in their `cals` dictionaries, those mdfs are used, otherwise, if there are no such associations, the GMOS package default is used. See "help gfreduce" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outimages : DataFileList The "prepared" images produced by gfreduce. Package 'config' options ------------------------ reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. """ # Use default prefix if output filename unspecified: prefix = 'g' if not out_names: out_names = '@inimages' # Get a few common Gemini IRAF defaults.: gemvars = gemini_iraf_helper() # Determine input DataFile EXTNAME convention, to pass to the task: labels = get_extname_labels(inputs) task_inputs = {'inimages' : inputs} optargs = {} # Get MDF from calibration associations if present, otherwise look in # gmos$data by default or the CWD if a file is specified via the parameter: if mdf is None: mdfs = [df.cals['mdf'] if 'mdf' in df.cals else None for df in inputs] missing = [entry is None for entry in mdfs] if all(missing): optargs['mdffile'] = 'default' optargs['mdfdir'] = gemvars['gmosdata'] elif any(missing): raise KeyError('all or no inputs must have associated mdf tables') else: task_inputs['mdffile'] = DataFileList(data=mdfs) else: optargs['mdffile'] = mdf optargs['mdfdir'] = '' # Here some "unnecessary" parameters are defined just to be certain they # don't change anything and so we can easily copy this when wrapping # other operations with gfreduce later. Using gfreduce for this ensures # that the MDF is determined in the same way as in my CL example, though # that logic seems to be duplicated in gprepare (argh). result = run_task('gemini.gmos.gfreduce', inputs=task_inputs, outputs={'outimages' : out_names}, prefix=prefix, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param='rawpath', reprocess=reprocess, outpref='default', slits='header', exslits='*', fl_nodshuffl=False, fl_inter=False, fl_vardq=gemvars['vardq'], fl_addmdf=True, fl_over=False, fl_trim=False, fl_bias=False, fl_gscrrej=False, fl_gnsskysub=False, fl_extract=False, fl_gsappwave=False, fl_wavtran=False, fl_skysub=False, fl_fluxcal=False, fl_fulldq=True, dqthresh=0.1, key_mdf='', key_biassec=gemvars['key_biassec'], key_datasec=gemvars['key_datasec'], bpmfile=gemvars['gmosdata']+'chipgaps.dat', grow=1.5, reference='', response='', wavtraname='', sfunction='', extinction='', fl_fixnc=False, fl_fixgaps=True, fl_novlap=True, perovlap=10.0, nbiascontam='default', biasrows='default', order='default', low_reject=3.0, high_reject=3.0, niterate=2, line=iraf.INDEF, nsum=10, trace=False, recenter=False, thresh=200., function='chebyshev', t_order=21, t_nsum=10, weights='none', gratingdb=gemvars['gmosdata']+'GMOSgratings.dat', filterdb=gemvars['gmosdata']+'GMOSfilters.dat', xoffset=iraf.INDEF, expr='default', sepslits=False, w1=iraf.INDEF, w2=iraf.INDEF, dw=iraf.INDEF, nw=iraf.INDEF, observatory=gemvars['observatory'], sci_ext=labels['data'], var_ext=labels['uncertainty'], dq_ext=labels['flags'], verbose=gemvars['verbose'], **optargs) return result['outimages']
[docs]def subtract_bias(inputs, out_names=None, ovs_function='spline3', ovs_order=1, ovs_lsigma=2.0, ovs_hsigma=2.0, ovs_niter=5, reprocess=None, interact=None): """ Subtract overscan level & pixel-to-pixel variations in zero point. This also (as an artifact of using gfreduce) converts the units to electrons. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images from which to subtract the bias & overscan levels and trim off the overscan region. Currently these must reside in the current working directory (which will normally be the case after running prepare). Each input image should already have an entry named 'bias' in its dictionary of associated calibration files (`cals` attribute); these bias images should already have their overscan levels subtracted and overscan columns removed. out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output bias-subtracted files. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the input files, prefixed with 'r' as in the Gemini IRAF package. ovs_function : str Function to use for fitting the overscan region in IRAF (default 'spline3'; may also be 'chebyshev, 'legendre' or 'spline1'). ovs_order : int Order of the overscan fitting function (default 1). ovs_lsigma : float Negative sigma rejection threshold for overscan fitting (default 2.0). ovs_hsigma : float Positive sigma rejection threshold for overscan fitting (default 2.0). ovs_niter : int Number of rejection iterations for overscan fitting (default 5). interact : bool, None Fit the overscan region interactively in IRAF? If None (default), interactivity is instead controlled by the package configuration dictionary (see below). See "help gfreduce" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outimages : DataFileList The bias-subtracted images produced by gfreduce. Package 'config' options ------------------------ use_uncert : bool Enable NDData 'uncertainty' (variance) propagation (default True)? use_flags : bool Enable NDData 'flags' (data quality) propagation (default True)? reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. interact : bool Enable interactive plotting (default False)? This may be overridden by the task's own "interact" parameter. """ # Use default prefix if output filename unspecified: prefix = 'r' if not out_names: out_names = '@inimages' # Get a list of biases to use from the input file "cals" dictionaries. # If the entry exists, assume the value is already a valid DataFile. try: bias = DataFileList(data=[df.cals['bias'] for df in inputs]) except KeyError: raise KeyError('one or more inputs is missing an associated bias') # Get a few common Gemini IRAF defaults.: gemvars = gemini_iraf_helper() # Determine input DataFile EXTNAME convention, to pass to the task: labels = get_extname_labels(inputs) # Need to add QE correction parameters when copying this, once available. # Here some "unnecessary" parameters are defined just to be certain they # don't change anything and so we can easily copy this when wrapping # other operations with gfreduce later: result = run_task('gemini.gmos.gfreduce', inputs={'inimages' : inputs, 'bias' : bias}, outputs={'outimages' : out_names}, prefix=prefix, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param='rawpath', reprocess=reprocess, outpref='default', slits='header', exslits='*', fl_nodshuffl=False, fl_inter=interact, fl_vardq=gemvars['vardq'], fl_addmdf=False, fl_over=True, fl_trim=True, fl_bias=True, fl_gscrrej=False, fl_gnsskysub=False, fl_extract=False, fl_gsappwave=False, fl_wavtran=False, fl_skysub=False, fl_fluxcal=False, fl_fulldq=True, dqthresh=0.1, key_mdf='', mdffile='default', mdfdir=gemvars['gmosdata'], key_biassec=gemvars['key_biassec'], key_datasec=gemvars['key_datasec'], bpmfile=gemvars['gmosdata']+'chipgaps.dat', grow=1.5, reference='', response='', wavtraname='', sfunction='', extinction='', fl_fixnc=False, fl_fixgaps=True, fl_novlap=True, perovlap=10.0, nbiascontam='default', biasrows='3:64', order=ovs_order, low_reject=ovs_lsigma, high_reject=ovs_hsigma, niterate=ovs_niter, line=iraf.INDEF, nsum=10, trace=False, recenter=False, thresh=200., function=ovs_function, t_order=21, t_nsum=10, weights='none', gratingdb=gemvars['gmosdata']+'GMOSgratings.dat', filterdb=gemvars['gmosdata']+'GMOSfilters.dat', xoffset=iraf.INDEF, expr='default', sepslits=False, w1=iraf.INDEF, w2=iraf.INDEF, dw=iraf.INDEF, nw=iraf.INDEF, observatory=gemvars['observatory'], sci_ext=labels['data'], var_ext=labels['uncertainty'], dq_ext=labels['flags'], verbose=gemvars['verbose']) return result['outimages']
[docs]def extract_spectra(inputs, out_names=None, startpos=None, threshold=1000., order=21, overlap_buffer=0.1, reprocess=None, interact=None): """ Extract one spectrum per IFU fibre from each 2D spectrogram to produce row-stacked 1D spectra, mosaicking the separate GMOS CCDs beforehand and adding an approximate wavelength solution to the headers afterwards. The results are also divided by any associated flat spectra, where available. The combination of multiple operations here is a side effect of wrapping gfextract; at least the mosaicking & flat fielding are likely to be separated into their own steps in a later version. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images from which to extract spectra (in which the individual detectors are not yet mosaicked). If flat fielding is to be performed, every input DataFile must already have an entry named 'flat' in its `cals` dictionary, corresponding to a processed detector+IFU flat (otherwise, flat fielding is omitted if there are no such associations). Likewise, if the fibre traces are to be taken from one or more reference files(s) (usually flats), rather than re-measured, every input must have an entry named 'trace' in its `cals` dictionary, pointing to a previous output file from this step. out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output files containing extracted & flat-fielded spectra. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the input files, prefixed with 'e' as in the Gemini IRAF package. startpos : int, optional Starting column in which the peaks corresponding to each fibre are identified (when not using a reference image), before tracing the corresponding spectra in either direction along the wavelength axis. This is defined relative to the equally-sized sub-region(s) cut out by gfextract for the IFU slits (see the log file), rather than the full input image. The default is the middle column of each region (ie. of the useful wavelength range). This parameter is typically useful for avoiding localized artifacts, such as cosmic rays, that can be mistaken by apall for fibres when bright enough. The definition of this parameter is likely to change in a future version, such that the value will be an offset relative to the default column (currently awkward to implement, as the regions cut out by gfextract are unknown beforehand). threshold : float, optional Feature detection threshold for centring around initial peak positions. This is the minimum difference required between the lowest & highest pixel values in the surrounding region in order for the peak to be considered a feature (see IRAF center1d). order : int, optional Order of the fit used to trace each fibre centre as a function of position along the dispersion axis. overlap_buffer : float, optional Amount by which to extend the removal of any region where the slits overlap in 2-slit mode, as a fraction of the overlap (gfextract perovlap parameter). The default of 0.1 will remove 110% of the nominal overlap, while negative values will include some of the overlap region. interact : bool, None Identify the fibres interactively in IRAF? If None (default), interactivity is instead controlled by the package configuration dictionary (see below). See "help gfextract" in IRAF for more detailed information. Note that the behaviour of this step can depend on whether an IRAF database file already exists from a previous run, causing the earlier results to be re-used. Returns ------- outimage : DataFileList The extracted spectra produced by gfextract. Package 'config' options ------------------------ use_uncert : bool Enable NDData 'uncertainty' (variance) propagation (default True)? use_flags : bool Enable NDData 'flags' (data quality) propagation (default True)? reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. interact : bool Enable interactive plotting (default False)? This may be overridden by the step's own "interact" parameter. """ # Initialize the task inputs dict from the main list of input files; any # associated "reference" or "response" file lists then get added below, # only if applicable: task_inputs = {'inimage' : inputs} # Use default prefix if output filename unspecified: prefix = 'e' if not out_names: out_names = '@inimage' # Use apall starting column default if not specified: if startpos is None: startpos = iraf.INDEF # Convert overlap parameter to IRAF convention, deliberately allowing # negative values etc. perovlap = 10. * overlap_buffer # Make a list of flats from each input's "cals" dictionary. If NO files # have flats associated, the response parameter is omitted and no flat # fielding is done. Otherwise, at present, they must all have one. flats = [df.cals['flat'] if 'flat' in df.cals else None for df in inputs] if None in flats: if not all([entry is None for entry in flats]): raise KeyError('one or more inputs is missing an associated flat') else: task_inputs['response'] = DataFileList(data=flats) # Do likewise for the reference traces. traces = [df.cals['trace'] if 'trace' in df.cals else None for df in inputs] if None in traces: trace = True if not all([entry is None for entry in traces]): raise KeyError('one or more inputs is missing an associated '\ 'reference trace') else: # have existing traces trace = False task_inputs['reference'] = DataFileList(data=traces) # To do: # - Replace the above replicated blocks with a DataFileList cals attribute # that returns another DataFileList? Allow for None values in # DataFileList so files can remain associated positionally when there are # missing associations (probably non-trivial)? # - Consider adapting run_task to accept None values for inputs and set # the corresponding filename parameter to "" in that case? # - An alternative might be to add a cals parameter to run_task, which # would tell it to derive each named parameter from a specified cal # type in the inputs cal dicts -- but this could be messy, as it means # mapping each cal parameter to both an inputs parameter and a cal type # rather than a single DataFileList. # - Some additional parameters probably want exposing, such as perovlap. # Get a few common Gemini IRAF defaults.: gemvars = gemini_iraf_helper() # Determine input DataFile EXTNAME convention, to pass to the task: labels = get_extname_labels(inputs) # The apextract trace parameter seems to control both whether a trace in # wavelength is used at all (as opposed to a fixed range of rows around the # measured starting centre, with no tilt or curvature) and whether it is # repeated for the input spectra when using a reference image (leading to # artifacts in science data), so the appropriate setting depends on whether # a reference is used. The recenter parameter controls whether a fixed # adjustment is applied to the fibre centre zero points when using a # reference image -- but that would break the correspondence with the pixel # flat, so leave it disabled for now (probably better to lose a bit of # signal for small shifts than to introduce unquantified systematics). # Change the default function to spline3 (etc.), like in the CL example? result = run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gfextract', inputs=task_inputs, outputs={'outimage' : out_names}, prefix=prefix, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, reprocess=reprocess, outpref='e', title='', exslits='*', line=startpos, nsum=10, trace=trace, recenter=False, thresh=threshold, function='spline3', order=order, t_nsum=10, weights='none', bpmfile=gemvars['gmosdata']+'chipgaps.dat', grow=1.5, gaindb='default', gratingdb=gemvars['gmosdata']+'GMOSgratings.dat', filterdb=gemvars['gmosdata']+'GMOSfilters.dat', xoffset=iraf.INDEF, perovlap=perovlap, sci_ext=labels['data'], var_ext=labels['uncertainty'], dq_ext=labels['flags'], fl_inter=interact, fl_vardq=gemvars['vardq'], fl_novlap=True, fl_gnsskysub=False, fl_fixnc=False, fl_fixgaps=True, fl_gsappwave=True, fl_fulldq=True, dqthresh=0.1, verbose=gemvars['verbose'] ) return result['outimage']
[docs]def calibrate_wavelength(inputs, order=4, line_list=None, interact=None): """ Determine an absolute wavelength solution for each row (fibre) of the input spectra. Currently, this information is saved only in an IRAF database, whence it is picked up directly by the rectification step. In future, this will be replaced by two Python steps that use AstroPy gWCS to propagate a two-component wavelength solution, one mapping the differences between fibres and the other a reference spectrum from pixels to wavelength units. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images with extracted, row-stacked spectra, from which to determine a wavelength fit by comparision with the `line_list`. order : int, optional Order of the one-dimensional Chebyshev fitting function, used to describe wavelength as a function of pixel index for each row (default 4). line_list : str, optional Name of a text file from which reference wavelengths are to be read for the spectral lines present in the source spectrum (see the help for IRAF task "identify"). The default is "gmos$data/CuAr_GMOS.dat". interact : bool, None Inspect & modify the line identifications and fitting functions interactively in IRAF? If None (default), interactivity is instead controlled by the package configuration dictionary (see below). See "help gswavelength" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- DataFileList The (unmodified) `inputs`, with newly-associated wavelength solution databases in IRAF. Package 'config' options ------------------------ interact : bool Enable interactive plotting (default False)? This may be overridden by the step's own "interact" parameter. """ # For the time being, the output from this only exists in the IRAF # database on disk and is thereby communicated between gswavelength & # gftransform. When the step is eventually replaced with Python code, # the solution will persist in the gWCS attribute(s) of the output # NDLater instances. # Get a few common Gemini IRAF defaults.: gemvars = gemini_iraf_helper() if line_list is None: line_list = gemvars['gmosdata']+'CuAr_GMOS.dat' fl_inter = 'yes' if interact else 'NO' # enumerated value in this task result = run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gswavelength', inputs={'inimages' : inputs}, outputs=None, prefix=None, suffix=None, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, crval='CRVAL1', cdelt='CD1_1', crpix='CRPIX1', key_dispaxis='DISPAXIS', dispaxis=1, database='database', coordlist=line_list, gratingdb=gemvars['gmosdata']+'GMOSgratings.dat', filterdb=gemvars['gmosdata']+'GMOSfilters.dat', fl_inter=fl_inter, section='default', nsum=1, ftype='emission', fwidth=10., gsigma=0., cradius=10., threshold=0., minsep=2.5, match=-6., function='chebyshev', order=order, sample='*', niterate=10., low_reject=2.5, high_reject=2.5, grow=0., refit=True, step=1, trace=True, nlost=10, maxfeatures=150, ntarget=30, npattern=5, fl_addfeat=True, aiddebug='s', fl_dbwrite='YES', fl_overwrite=True, fl_gsappwave=False, fitcfunc='chebyshev', fitcxord=4, fitcyord=4, verbose=gemvars['verbose'] ) # Propagate the task inputs unmodified since the solution currently isn't # being attached to them but will be in future. return inputs
[docs]def rectify_wavelength(inputs, out_names=None, start_wl=None, end_wl=None, delta_wl=None, npix=None, reprocess=None): """ Resample ("transform") fibre spectra onto a pixel array with a linear wavelength increment. This step currently depends on a version of gftransform that has been patched with respect to the public version 1.13.1, to accept ".fits" in the filenames passed to its `wavtraname` parameter. This change is available in the "ifudrgmos" version of the GMOS package (r145+) and is likely to be included in the public Gemini IRAF package in 2017. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images, containing extracted fibre spectra, to be interpolated and resampled to linear World co-ordinates along the wavelength axis. Each input must already have an associated entry named 'arc' in its `cals` dictionary (whose name is used by gftransform, in the current implementation, to find the corresponding IRAF database files). out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output images with a constant increment in wavelength per pixel. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the input files, prefixed with 't' as in the Gemini IRAF package. start_wl, end_wl, delta_wl : float, optional Starting & ending wavelengths (at the centre of the first/last column) and wavelength increment per pixel to use for the output grid, in the same units as the database (? Usually Angstroms). By default, the output spans the same average wavelength range as the input, with the same number of pixels. Any combination of these parameters and `npix` can be overridden (precedence if all four specified TBC), leaving the remainder to be determined based on the input. npix : int, optional Length in pixels of the wavelength axis of the output image(s), by default the same as in the input (used in conjuction with `start_wl`, `end_wl` & `delta_wl` to constrain the wavelength increment & range). See "help gftransform" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outimages : DataFileList The resampled spectra produced by gftransform, with a linear wavelength increment. Package 'config' options ------------------------ use_uncert : bool Enable NDData 'uncertainty' (variance) propagation (default True)? use_flags : bool Enable NDData 'flags' (data quality) propagation (default True)? reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. """ # Use default prefix if output filename unspecified: prefix = 't' if not out_names: out_names = '@inimages' # Make a list of arcs from each input's "cals" dictionary. Every file must # have one associated. The wavtraname parameter for gftransform is an # oddball case because the files it names don't actually need to exist # (just the corresponding database entries) and the original task fails if # .fits extensions are included -- had to fix it in order to use a # DataFileList, otherwise run_task won't correlate multiple inputs properly. try: arcs = DataFileList(data=[df.cals['arc'] for df in inputs]) except KeyError: raise KeyError('one or more inputs is missing an associated arc') # The reference arcs must all have been saved to disk and not be flagged # as dirty, otherwise run_task will save them with a temp filename that # doesn't match the database. We could guard against this by saving the # files and resetting the "unloaded" (dirty) flag here, though it would # want restoring again afterwards, since external references that can be # used to modify the data may already exist. This problem will go away as # and when the "dirty flag logic" can be made more sophisticated. # Get a few common Gemini IRAF defaults.: gemvars = gemini_iraf_helper() # Determine input DataFile EXTNAME convention, to pass to the task: labels = get_extname_labels(inputs) # Convert unspecified values to IRAF syntax: if start_wl is None: start_wl = iraf.INDEF if end_wl is None: end_wl = iraf.INDEF if delta_wl is None: delta_wl = iraf.INDEF if npix is None: npix = iraf.INDEF result = run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gftransform', inputs={'inimages' : inputs, 'wavtraname' : arcs}, outputs={'outimages' : out_names}, prefix=prefix, suffix=None, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, reprocess=reprocess, database='database', w1=start_wl, w2=end_wl, dw=delta_wl, nw=npix, dqthresh=0.1, fl_vardq=gemvars['vardq'], fl_flux='yes', sci_ext=labels['data'], var_ext=labels['uncertainty'], dq_ext=labels['flags'], verbose=gemvars['verbose'] ) return result['outimages']
[docs]def make_flat(inputs, flat_names=None, order=45, sample='*', reprocess=None, interact=None): """ Generate a normalized flat field calibration spectrum that includes both fibre-to-fibre and pixel-to-pixel variations, by fitting the average continuum and dividing each fibre spectrum by the result (scaled to match its wavelength solution). This requires the modified version of the IRAF task gfresponse found in the "ifudrgmos" version of the GMOS package (r145+), published at Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images, each containing extracted fibre spectra of a spatially flat, spectrally smooth source (normally the GCal Quartz-Halogen lamp), with known wavelength solutions. Each input must already have an associated entry named 'arc' in its `cals` dictionary (whose name is currently used to find the corresponding IRAF database files). flat_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output normalized flat-field images, one per input. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the input files by appending '_flat'. [To do: should this combine the inputs & produce only one output?] order : int, optional Order of the Chebyshev continuum fit (default 45). sample : str, optional The range of sample pixels in the wavelength dimension to use for continuum fitting (currently IRAF convention, default '*'). See "help gfresponse" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outimages : DataFileList The normalized flat field produced by gfresponse. Package 'config' options ------------------------ reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. interact : bool Enable interactive continuum fitting (default False)? This may be overridden by the step's own "interact" parameter. """ # Default to appending "_flat" if an output filename is not specified: if not flat_names: flat_names = '@inimage' # Make a list of arcs from each input's "cals" dictionary. Every file must # have one associated. try: arcs = DataFileList(data=[df.cals['arc'] for df in inputs]) except KeyError: raise KeyError('one or more inputs is missing an associated arc') # Get a few common Gemini IRAF defaults.: gemvars = gemini_iraf_helper() # Determine input DataFile EXTNAME convention, to pass to the task: labels = get_extname_labels(inputs) result = run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gfresponse', inputs={'inimage' : inputs, 'wavtraname' : arcs}, outputs={'outimage' : flat_names}, prefix=None, suffix='_flat', comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, reprocess=reprocess, title='', skyimage='', database='database', fl_inter=interact, fl_fit=False, function='chebyshev', order=order, sample=sample, sci_ext=labels['data'], var_ext=labels['uncertainty'], dq_ext=labels['flags'], verbose=gemvars['verbose'] ) return result['outimage']
[docs]def subtract_sky(inputs, out_names=None, reprocess=None): """ Create an average sky spectrum over rows corresponding to the background IFU field and subtract it from each fibre spectrum (image row). This is done separately for each half of the fields (IFU "slit") in 2-slit mode, to match the CCD gaps, wavelength range, detector regions & slit characteristics optimally. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images, containing extracted, row-stacked fibre spectra with linearized wavelength co-ordinates. out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output images, containing the sky-subtracted spectra and the 1D sky spectrum used for each slit [currently only on disk until DataFile propagates "extras" properly]. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the input files, prefixed with 's' as in the Gemini IRAF package. See "help gfskysub" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outimages : DataFileList The sky-subtracted spectra produced by gfskysub. Package 'config' options ------------------------ reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. """ # Use default prefix if output filename unspecified: prefix = 's' if not out_names: out_names = '@inimages' # Get a few common Gemini IRAF defaults.: gemvars = gemini_iraf_helper() # Determine input DataFile EXTNAME convention, to pass to the task: labels = get_extname_labels(inputs) # Disable interactivity as it seems slow and not that useful. # Note that running gfskysub via gfreduce has been observed to corrupt # the MDF in the past, requiring it to be re-copied from the input to the # output, but so far so good here. result = run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gfskysub', inputs={'inimages' : inputs}, outputs={'outimages' : out_names}, prefix=prefix, suffix=None, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, reprocess=reprocess, apertures="", expr='default', combine='average', reject='avsigclip', scale='none', zero='none', weight='none', sepslits=True, lthreshold=iraf.INDEF, hthreshold=iraf.INDEF, nlow=1, nhigh=1, nkeep=0, mclip=True, lsigma=3., hsigma=3., key_ron=gemvars['key_ron'], key_gain=gemvars['key_gain'], snoise="0.0", sigscale=0.1, pclip=-0.5, grow=0.0, blank=0.0, sci_ext=labels['data'], var_ext=labels['uncertainty'], dq_ext=labels['flags'], fl_inter=False, verbose=gemvars['verbose'] ) return result['outimages']
[docs]def resample_to_cube(inputs, out_names=None, bitmask=8, use_uncert=None, reprocess=None): """ Resample fibre spectra onto a 3D "data cube", interpolating spatially over the hexagonal/triangular grid of the IFU. The alignment between wavelength planes is also corrected for estimated atmospheric dispersion as part of the process, using a model from SLALIB. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images, containing extracted, row-stacked fibre spectra with linearized wavelength co-ordinates. out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output images. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the input files, prefixed with 'd' as in the Gemini IRAF package. bitmask : int, optional Data quality bits used to exclude bad pixels from the interpolation, where available in the input file (default 8, for cosmic rays). Where multiple data quality bits are summed to produce a bitmask that is not a power of two, any one or more of those bits in the data quality plane will cause the corresponding pixel to be excluded. A value of 0 causes all the input pixels to be used. Since this step interpolates only in the spatial directions, features of approximately constant wavelength, such as chip gaps (16) and bad columns (1) are better dealt with by spectral interpolation at an earlier reduction step. See "help gfcube" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outimages : DataFileList The 3D images produced by gfcube, each containing a 3D "data cube" with 0.1" pixels spatially and the flux units of the input converted to values per square arcsecond. Package 'config' options ------------------------ use_uncert : bool Enable NDData 'uncertainty' (variance) propagation (default True)? use_flags : bool Enable NDData 'flags' (data quality) propagation (default True)? reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. """ # Use default prefix if output filename unspecified: prefix = 'd' if not out_names: out_names = '@inimage' # Always generate output DQ since it tracks the interpolation bounds. result = run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gfcube', inputs={'inimage' : inputs}, outputs={'outimage' : out_names}, prefix=prefix, suffix=None, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, reprocess=reprocess, ssample=0.1, bitmask=bitmask, fl_atmdisp=True, fl_flux=True, fl_var=use_uncert, fl_dq=True ) return result['outimage']
[docs]def sum_spectra(inputs, out_names=None, reprocess=None): """ Sum over fibre spectra in the main "object" IFU field to produce a 1D output spectrum. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input images, containing extracted, row-stacked fibre spectra with linearized wavelength co-ordinates. out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output images, each containing a 1D spectrum. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the corresponding input files, prefixed with 'a' as in the Gemini IRAF package. See "help gfapsum" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outimages : DataFileList The 1D spectra produced by gfapsum. Package 'config' options ------------------------ reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. """ # Use default prefix if output filename unspecified: prefix = 'a' if not out_names: out_names = '@inimages' # Get a few common Gemini IRAF defaults.: gemvars = gemini_iraf_helper() # Determine input DataFile EXTNAME convention, to pass to the task: labels = get_extname_labels(inputs) # Use a simple summation, at least for now, as getting the rejection etc. # right with the level of contrast involved can be tricky. result = run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gfapsum', inputs={'inimages' : inputs}, outputs={'outimages' : out_names}, prefix=prefix, suffix=None, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, reprocess=reprocess, apertures='', expr='default', combine='sum', reject='none', scale='none', zero='none', weight='none', lthreshold=iraf.INDEF, hthreshold=iraf.INDEF, nlow=1, nhigh=1, nkeep=0, mclip=True, lsigma=3., hsigma=3., key_ron=gemvars['key_ron'], key_gain=gemvars['key_gain'], snoise='0.0', sigscale=0.1, pclip=-0.5, grow=0.0, blank=0.0, sci_ext=labels['data'], var_ext=labels['uncertainty'], dq_ext=labels['flags'], fl_inter=False, verbose=gemvars['verbose'] ) return result['outimages']
[docs]def background_regions(input_ref): """ Determine unilluminated regions of the detector, which can subsequently be used (with optional user modifications) to estimate an instrumental background or scattered light level as a function of position. Parameters ---------- input_ref : DataFileList or DataFile Input image with the dimensions of the raw data. This must have an entry named 'trace' in its `cals` dictionary, from which the illuminated and unilluminated detector regions can be determined. See "help gffindblocks" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- mask : list of list of int List of rectangular regions in the format [[x1, x2, y1, y2], ...] (currently FITS convention). """ # Get the reference traces from the input. try: trace = input_ref.cals['trace'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('input_ref is missing an associated reference trace') # Generate a temp filename in which to store the output mask: outfn = new_filename(base=trace.filename.base+'_gaps', ext='') run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gffindblocks', inputs={'image' : input_ref, 'extspec' : trace}, outputs=None, prefix=None, suffix=None, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, reprocess=None, mask=outfn ) # Read & parse the regions from the output text file: regions = [] with open(outfn, 'r') as outfile: for line in outfile: line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == '#': continue # fields = [int(field)-1 for field in line.split()] # NumPy conv? fields = [int(field) for field in line.split()] if len(fields) != 4: raise ValueError('unexpected format for gffindblocks output '\ '{0}'.format(outfn)) # regions.append(fields[2:4] + fields[0:2]) # use NumPy conv? regions.append(fields) # Don't need the output file after reading it into memory: os.remove(outfn) return regions
[docs]def subtract_bg(inputs, out_names=None, x_order=None, y_order=None, reprocess=None): """ Model the instrumental background or scattered light level as a function of position in the input files (based on the counts within specified nominally-unilluminated regions) and subtract the result from each input to remove the estimated contamination. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Input, bias-subtracted images, in the raw data format, each of which must have an entry named 'bg_reg' in its `cals` dictionary, specifying the unilluminated detector regions to use for background estimation; see ``background_regions``. out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output images containing the background-subtracted spectra. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the corresponding input files, prefixed with 'b' as in the Gemini IRAF package. x_order, y_order : int or list of int, optional Order of the Legendre surface fit along rows and columns, respectively, for each CCD (or all CCDs if a single integer). With the default of None, orders of [5,9,5] or [5,5,9,5,5,5] are used for x and [5,7,5] or [5,5,7,5,5,5] for columns, as appropriate. The index of the higher number may need adjusting by the user to match the CCD where the IFU slits overlap (if applicable). This logic will probably be made a bit more intelligent in a future version. See "help gfscatsub" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outimage : DataFileList The background-subtracted images produced by gfscatsub. Package 'config' options ------------------------ reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. """ # Here we have to expand out the output filenames instead of letting # run_task do it because it currently doesn't recognize text files as main # inputs. This should be replaced by run-task-like decorator functionality # in the longer run. # Convert inputs to a DataFileList if needed: inputs = to_datafilelist(inputs) # Use default prefix if the output filenames are unspecified: prefix = 'b' if not out_names: out_names = [FileName(indf, prefix=prefix) for indf in inputs] elif len(out_names) != len(inputs): raise ValueError('inputs & out_names have unmatched lengths') # Get lists of bg regions to use from the input file "cals" dictionaries: try: bg_reg_list = [df.cals['bg_reg'] for df in inputs] except KeyError: raise KeyError('one or more inputs is missing associated list of '\ 'background regions') # Avoid raising obscure errors if the wrong thing gets attached as bg_reg. # To do: consider writing a more generic type-checking function. if not all(bg_reg and hasattr(bg_reg, '__iter__') and \ all(reg and hasattr(reg, '__iter__') and \ all(isinstance(n, (int, long, basestring)) for n in reg) \ for reg in bg_reg \ ) for bg_reg in bg_reg_list ): raise ValueError('cals[\'bg_reg\'] should be a list of limit lists') # Loop over the inputs explicitly, since run_task currently can't recognize # lists of text files as inputs: mode = 'update' if not reprocess else 'overwrite' outputs = DataFileList(mode=mode) for indf, bg_reg, outname in zip(inputs, bg_reg_list, out_names): # Save the background regions for each instance as a temporary file # for IRAF: gapfn = new_filename(base=indf.filename.base+'_gaps', ext='') with open(gapfn, 'w') as gapfile: for reg in bg_reg: gapfile.write('{0}\n'.format(' '.join(str(n) for n in reg))) # Generate default orders appropriate for the number of detectors in # each DataFile, if unspecified: len_df = len(indf) if x_order is None: xorder = [5] * len_df xorder[(len_df-1)//2] = 9 else: xorder = x_order if hasattr(x_order, '__iter__') else (x_order,) if y_order is None: yorder = [5] * len_df yorder[(len_df-1)//2] = 7 else: yorder = y_order if hasattr(y_order, '__iter__') else (y_order,) # Convert list of orders to comma-separated IRAF syntax: xorder = ','.join(str(n) for n in xorder) yorder = ','.join(str(n) for n in yorder) result = run_task( 'gemini.gmos.gfscatsub', inputs={'image' : indf}, outputs={'outimage' : outname}, prefix=None, suffix=None, comb_in=False, MEF_ext=False, path_param=None, reprocess=reprocess, mask=gapfn, xorder=xorder, yorder=yorder, cross=True ) # Finished with the temporary file: os.remove(gapfn) # Accumulate the output DataFileList, copying the dictionary of cals # from each input to the output until persistence is implemented, since # the same ones are usually needed at the next step: outdf = result['outimage'][0] outdf.cals.update(indf.cals) outputs.append(outdf) return outputs
[docs]def align_wcs(inputs, method='correlate'): """ Measure spatial offsets between IFU data cubes, by comparing their image features (summed over wavelength), and update their WCS zero points accordingly, to match the first cube in ``inputs``. This provides the alignment information needed for subsequent co-addition with ``mosaic``. Users should compare the registration of output WCSs carefully (for which the ``mosaic.separate`` option may be useful) and adjust the CRVAL keywords manually in case of errors. This function depends on the ``pyfu`` PyRAF/Python package, which must be installed separately. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Reduced data cubes (normally from ``resample_to_cube`` or Gemini IRAF's gfcube), with any cosmic ray flux removed. For meaningful results, their fields of view must overlap sufficiently to identify one or more spatial peaks in common. method : {'correlate', 'centroid'} Spatial registration algorithm to use (after collapsing each cube in wavelength to form an image). The default of 'correlate' should always be used where image structure is nebulous or multi-peaked. The simple 'centroid' algorithm can be used for sources that have a single well-defined peak (but is unreliable in the presence of cosmic rays). In limited testing to date, 'correlate' has been found to work comparably well to the original 'centroid' for single-peaked sources, so has been made the default in this wrapper. Processing is currently performed using the PyFU function "pyfalign". Returns ------- DataFileList The input images with their WCS zero-points adjusted. Pyfalign modifies its inputs, rather than creating a new copy (since no information is lost in the process, with the first file retaining the original WCS). The files are consequently always re-processed. It is possible that this will change in future. """ import pyfu inputs = to_datafilelist(inputs) names = [str(df) for df in inputs] pyfu.pyfalign(names, method=method) inputs.reload() # sync with output saved by pyfalign return inputs
[docs]def mosaic(inputs, out_name=None, separate=False, use_uncert=None, reprocess=None): """ Resample and co-add IFU data cubes onto a single, mosaicked output cube (with registration determined by their WCS zero-point differences). This function depends on the ``pyfu`` PyRAF/Python package, which must be installed separately. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Reduced data cubes (normally from ``resample_to_cube`` or Gemini IRAF's gfcube) whose WCS zero points have been adjusted onto a common system (normally by ``align_wcs``, PyFU's "pyfalign" or manual determination). out_name : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output file, containing the datacube mosaic. If None (default), the name of the DataFile instance returned will be constructed from that of the first input file, with '_add' appended. separate : `bool` Write one output cube per input to separate NDData arrays in the output (separate FITS extensions), instead of co-adding the cubes onto a single array (default False)? This option is used for inspecting the registration of the resampled component cubes (or to allow co-addition with another program). Processing is currently performed using the PyFU function "pyfmosaic". Returns ------- DataFileList The output datacube mosaic. Package 'config' options ------------------------ use_uncert : bool Enable NDData 'uncertainty' (variance) propagation (default True)? reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. """ import pyfu suffix='_add' inputs = to_datafilelist(inputs) inlist = [str(df) for df in inputs] if len(inputs) < 1: raise ValueError('inputs cannot be empty') if out_name is None: out_name = FileName(inlist[0], suffix=suffix, dirname='') elif isinstance(out_name, list): if len(out_name) == 1: out_name = out_name[0] else: raise ValueError('out_name should have one value, if specified') out_name = str(out_name) mode = 'new' if reprocess is None else \ 'update' if reprocess is False and os.path.exists(out_name) \ else 'overwrite' outdf = DataFile(out_name, mode=mode) if mode != 'update': # NB. The posangle option seems to have been broken for a while # (rotation about the wrong centre). pyfu.pyfmosaic(inlist, outimage=out_name, posangle=None, separate=separate, propvar=use_uncert) outdf.reload() return outdf
[docs]def log_rebin(inputs, out_names=None, conserve_flux=False, use_uncert=None, reprocess=None): """ Resample the wavelength axis of each x-y-lambda data cube onto constant increments in log(wavelength), ie. constant redshift per pixel. The output WCS is defined according to the FITS paper III convention (equation 5). This function depends on the ``pyfu`` PyRAF/Python package, which must be installed separately. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList or DataFile Data cubes with linear WCSs in wavelength (each one mapped to a FITS extension named 'SCI' for compatibility with PyFU), as produced by ``resample_to_cube`` or ``mosaic``. out_names : `str`-like or list of `str`-like, optional Names of output files containing the re-binned datacubes. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the corresponding input files, prefixed with 'l'. conserve_flux : `bool` Conserve flux per pixel? The default of False conserves flux density, which is appropriate for data that have been calibrated in physical flux units (per Angstrom, nm or micron), as opposed to counts or electrons per pixel. Processing is currently performed using the PyFU function "pyflogbin". Returns ------- DataFileList The output data cubes, resampled to logarithmic increments in wavelength. Package 'config' options ------------------------ use_uncert : bool Enable NDData 'uncertainty' (variance) propagation (default True)? reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. """ import pyfu inputs = to_datafilelist(inputs) # To do: check if these are unsaved if len(inputs) < 1: raise ValueError('inputs cannot be empty') # Use default prefix if the output filenames are unspecified: prefix = 'l' if out_names is None: out_names = [FileName(indf, prefix=prefix) for indf in inputs] elif len(out_names) != len(inputs): raise ValueError('inputs & out_names have unmatched lengths') # Create a list to hold the outputs: outputs = DataFileList(mode='overwrite') # Loop over the input/output pairs: for indf, outname in zip(inputs, out_names): outname = str(outname) mode = 'new' if reprocess is None else \ 'update' if reprocess is False and os.path.exists(outname) \ else 'overwrite' outdf = DataFile(outname, mode=mode) if mode != 'update': # Use PyFU to resample the saved cube: pyfu.pyflogbin(str(indf), outname, fluxcons=conserve_flux, propvar=use_uncert) outdf.reload() outputs.append(outdf) return outputs