
ndmapper.lib.gmos.spec.normalize_QE(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Correct for relative differences in quantum efficiency as a function of wavelength between the constituent GMOS CCDs (to avoid discontinuities between the detectors etc.).


inputs : DataFileList or DataFile

Bias-subtracted, unmosaicked input images, containing spectra whose fluxes are to be normalized to a smooth function of QE(lambda) across the CCDs (equivalent to the response of the central CCD). Each input DataFile must already have an associated entry named ‘arc’ in its cals dictionary, identifying a corresponding arc exposure that has had its individual fibre spectra extracted and calibrated in wavelength (this information can be used in conjunction with meta-data to evaluate a pre-determined QE(wavelength) function on the original pixel grid).

out_names : str-like or list of str-like, optional

Names of corrected output images. If None (default), the names of the DataFile instances returned will be constructed from those of the input files, prefixed with ‘q’, as in the Gemini IRAF package.


output : DataFileList

The corrected images produced by gqecorr.