Source code for ndmapper.libutils

# Copyright(c) 2015-2016 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
# by James E.H. Turner.

Some lower-level utility functions (with minimal dependencies) that are used
internally and are also made available as part of the public API.

import os, os.path
import tempfile

[docs]def splitext(path): """ A version of splitext that splits at the first separator rather than the last one (so 'file.fits.gz' gives 'file' & 'fits.gz'). It also returns None for the extension value where there isn't one (instead of ''), just to avoid incorrect reconstruction of 'file.' as 'file' or vice versa. """ components = os.path.basename(path).split(os.extsep, 1) # len always 1->2 ext = None if len(components) == 1 else components[1] root = path if ext is None else path[:-len(os.extsep+ext)] return root, ext
[docs]def addext(path, ext): """ Reconstruct a filename from a (root, extension) tuple of the type produced by splitext(). """ return path + ('' if ext is None else os.extsep + ext)
[docs]def new_filename(purpose='tmp', base='', ext='', full_path=False): """ Generate a new filename string that is not already used in the current directory (beginning with 'tmp' by default, for use as a temporary file). Unlike Python's tempfile module, this function does not actually open the file, making the result suitable for passing to external programs, but as a result, a race condition may occur if the file is not created immediately, which is the user's responsibility. Parameters ---------- purpose : str, optional Starting string, used to indicate the file's purpose (default 'tmp'). base : convertible to str, optional A base name to add between "tmp_" and the last few, randomized characters, to help distinguish temporary filenames, eg. for troubleshooting purposes. ext : convertible to str, optional An file extension name to use (eg 'fits'). The leading dot is optional and will be added if needed. full_path : bool Return the full path to the file, rather than a (relative) filename in the current working directory (default False)? Returns ------- str A filename that doesn't already exist in the current working directory. """ base = str(base) ext = str(ext) # Add the leading dot to any specified file extension, if necessary # (checking type to produce a less obscure error below if not a string): if ext and not ext.startswith(os.extsep): ext = os.extsep + ext # Python doesn't provide a (non-deprecated) way to produce a temporary # filename without actually creating and opening the file (to avoid # possible race conditions & exploits). One can, however, let Python close # the file again and then recycle its name, saving the corresponding # DataFile immediately to avoid possible collisions. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='{0}_{1}{2}'.format(purpose, base, '_' if base else ''), suffix=ext, dir='') as tmpfile: tmpname = return tmpname if full_path else os.path.basename(tmpname)
[docs]def map_API_enum(name, value, map_dict): """ Convert an enumerable parameter value from the Python API to its equivalent IRAF value in the supplied dictionary (where such a mapping exists), raising an appropriate exception if it's not recognized. """ try: return map_dict[value] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unrecognized value for \'{0}\''.format(name))