Source code for ndmapper.lib.gmos.gmos

# Copyright(c) 2015 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.
# by James E.H. Turner.

from pyraf import iraf
from ndmapper import config, ndprocess_defaults
from import FileName, DataFile, DataFileList
from ndmapper.iraf_task import run_task, get_extname_labels
from ndmapper.utils import to_datafilelist

from ..gemini import *

# Redefine explicitly what to expose from our parent module here, rather than
# appending to its __all__ (as at lower levels of the tree), since it contains
# observatory-specific helper functions that are not processing steps.
__all__ = ['CAL_DEPS', 'make_bias', 'clean_pixels']

# These functions are intended to represent logical processing steps, rather
# than strict one-to-one wrappers for existing IRAF tasks; the aim is not to
# replicate the IRAF user interface exactly. Each "wrapper" function must
# therefore deal with any options exposed to the user explicitly, rather than
# allowing IRAF task parameters to be specified arbitrarily via **params.

# At least to begin with, the aim is to simplify things aggressively and not
# expose every option for atypical usage until a use case arises. When that
# happens, we'll weigh up passing additional options directly vs indirectly vs
# adding more wrappers to support different common usage scenarios.

# NB. PyRAF accepts True/False, iraf.yes/ & 'yes'/'no' interchangeably.

[docs]def make_bias(inputs, bias=None, bpm=None, ovs_function='spline3', ovs_order=1, ovs_lsigma=2.0, ovs_hsigma=2.0, ovs_niter=5, comb_lsigma=2.0, comb_hsigma=2.0, reprocess=None, interact=None): """ Combine individual bias exposures to produce a reference bias frame for calibrating other data. Parameters ---------- inputs : DataFileList Input raw bias images. bias : str-like, optional Output combined bias image name. If None (default), a new DataFile will be returned whose name is constructed from that of the first input file, by appending '_bias'. bpm : DataFile or DataFileList, optional A bad pixel mask, used if 'use_uncert' and/or 'use_flags' is enabled. This can be created with the Gemini IRAF task GBPM. ovs_function : str Function to use for fitting the overscan region in IRAF (default 'chebyshev'; may also be 'legendre', 'spline1' or 'spline3'). ovs_order : int Order of the overscan fitting function (default 1). ovs_lsigma : float Negative sigma rejection threshold for overscan fitting (default 2.0). ovs_hsigma : float Positive sigma rejection threshold for overscan fitting (default 2.0). ovs_niter : int Number of rejection iterations for overscan fitting (default 5). comb_lsigma : float Negative sigma rejection threshold for averaging biases (default 2.0). comb_hsigma : float Positive sigma rejection threshold for averaging biases (default 2.0). interact : bool, None Fit the overscan region interactively in IRAF? If None (default), interactivity is instead controlled by the package configuration dictionary (see below). See "help gbias" in IRAF for more detailed information. Returns ------- outbias : DataFile The combined bias image produced by gbias. Package 'config' options ------------------------ use_uncert : bool Enable NDData 'uncertainty' (variance) propagation (default True)? use_flags : bool Enable NDData 'flags' (data quality) propagation (default True)? reprocess : bool or None Re-generate and overwrite any existing output files on disk or skip processing and re-use existing results, where available? The default of None instead raises an exception where outputs already exist (requiring the user to delete them explicitly). The processing is always performed for outputs that aren't already available. interact : bool Enable interactive plotting (default False)? This may be overridden by the task's own "interact" parameter. """ # Some candidate parameters to open up to the UI: verbose = True # Default to appending "_bias" if an output filename is not specified: if not bias: bias = '!inimages' # Determine input DataFile EXTNAME convention, to pass to the task: labels = get_extname_labels(inputs) # Insert a BPM in the task inputs if supplied by the user # (NB. Use of this BPM parameter is untested at the time of writing; it # would need a multi-extension FITS BPM in place of the pixel list files # distributed with the package): inputs = {'inimages' : inputs} if bpm: inputs['bpm'] = bpm # Most of the IRAF package tasks don't have the granularity to control # VAR & DQ propagation separately, so just turn them both on if either # is specified. This isn't handled by ndprocess_defaults since the # Python & IRAF APIs are different (two parameters vs one): if config['use_uncert'] or config['use_flags']: vardq = True else: vardq = False # Wrap gbias, defining the parameters reproducibly (for a given version) # but omitting inapplicable parameters such as minmax options. Certain # parameters, such as logfile & rawpath, are set directly by run_task. result = run_task('gemini.gmos.gbias', inputs=inputs, outputs={'outbias' : bias}, suffix='_bias', comb_in=True, MEF_ext=False, path_param='rawpath', reprocess=reprocess, fl_over=True, fl_trim=True, key_biassec='BIASSEC', key_datasec='DATASEC', key_ron='RDNOISE', key_gain='GAIN', ron=3.5, gain=2.2, gaindb='default', sci_ext=labels['data'], var_ext=labels['uncertainty'], dq_ext=labels['flags'], sat='default', nbiascontam='default', biasrows='default', fl_inter=interact, median=False, function=ovs_function, order=ovs_order, low_reject=ovs_lsigma, high_reject=ovs_hsigma, niterate=ovs_niter, combine='average', reject='avsigclip', lthreshold=iraf.INDEF, hthreshold=iraf.INDEF, masktype='goodvalue', maskvalue=0.0, scale='none', zero='none', weight='none', statsec='[*,*]', key_exptime='EXPTIME', nkeep=1, mclip=True, lsigma=comb_lsigma, hsigma=comb_hsigma, sigscale=0.1, grow=0.0, fl_vardq=vardq, verbose=verbose) # Return the only DataFile instance from the output DataFileList # corresponding to the task's "outbias" parameter: return result['outbias'][0]